By Jessie Lovett Allen
Classroom 131 exists
outside the normal scheme of hallway numbering in a
hidden dimension. I’m sorry,
you’re correct, using the campus map logic, 131 should be
here by my office but
it’s not. Listen, I know it feels like you
missed a meeting. You worry your
books are the wrong ones your
kids’ babysitter is going to flake your
tires are bald you’ll
disappoint your family your
laptop is too old you’re
too old maybe you’re
not meant for this
And I know you weren’t even looking for me, but hey
I love you and please
believe me, everyone else is looking for 131 too, here it is
past the brick wall,
walk with me
Jessie Lovett Allen is originally from western New York and currently teaches English at North Platte Community College in western Nebraska. Recent work appears or is forthcoming in Best Small Fictions 2022, Milk Candy Review, The Forge, NCTE English Journal, and JMWW. Twitter @jesslovettallen.